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MacMillan Coffee Morning

Last Friday 27th September 2019 the Team at Kabin Hire held a MacMillan Coffee Morning to do our part in helping raise funds for such a great charity.

As I am sure you can see from the imagery in this Kabin Hire blog, everyone made a big effort and filled the office with endless numbers of cakes to help raise as much money as possible.

The Hire Team showcased the very best of their baking skills (some better than others!) in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care.

All Service and maintenance staff, customers and haulers were invited; as well as sampling a number of cakes we also buy zolpidem online europe took part in a number of games supplied by Macmillan to help raise as much money as possible.

We would like to extend a special thank you to Emma for organising the event as well as a big thank you to everyone else who helped put this together for Kabin Hire and the Macmillan Charity.

I am sure everyone has been affected by cancer in one way or another and if something as simple as a coffee morning can help raise money to battle and research such a disease then I’m sure you will agree everyone should do it!